A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bad News

My ever thoughtful oncologist called yesterday afternoon to tell me the results of the PET scan from last week.  She likes to give me the news before my appointment so I can think about it.

Also, maybe it’s easier to give bad news over the phone.   I think it is easier to get the news that way also.

It isn’t good.  This kind of chemo isn’t working on the cancer spots in my liver.  It seems to work on my bones, some of those spots were even smaller.

She had several suggestions.  One was to think about it for a week, one was to start Ixempra <—link, one was to stop chemo. 

We talked again this morning and I have decided to try the Ixempra.  This will make the fifth kind of chemo that has been tried.

I have decided this will be the last kind of chemo I will take.  Five is a nice round number.

I looked it up on the internet (see link above) and found it is fairly new, approved in 2007.  I only need to get it every three weeks.

Since it takes four hours to get Ixempra and my appointment is too late to do it today, my appointment was changed to Friday at 8:30 a.m.

I will take some snacks as I will get hungry.  They have snacks there but nothing very substantial.  Maybe some cheese and crackers and olives.  Maybe I should also bring a bottle of wine and a candle?  I guess probably not.

I was all ready to go to the appointment when I talked to the nurse today so I went ahead and went to the grocery store.  I intended to go to Walmart but they had no handicapped spaces available so I went down the road to Kroger. 

I stocked up on food.   I have been getting a lot of microwavable foods.

Yesterday Lory and John, Andrea and Chris came over, I kept thinking it was Sunday.  They mowed my lawn and used the weed eater.  They also chipped the frost out of my freezer.  My frost free is suddenly frosty.

Today was nice and warm but very windy.  Everything is getting green.  If I could stop sneezing long enough I would love spring.




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