A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Homecoming Parade

I was just getting ready to feed the dogs this evening when I heard a band.  Sure enough there was a band in the street in front of my house.  They were playing, then dancing.  They have been practicing since last year.  Maybe a new band teacher?

The band was followed by trucks carrying students, even one for the 7th grade volley ball team.  Then came the convertibles with the freshman thru senior candidates for king and queen.

There wasn’t much of a crowd watching so the kids threw candy at the truck or car behind or in front of them.

Two very noisy fire trucks brought up the rear and finally turned the corner and released traffic.

I think the cement truck was very happy to go.  His load is a bit time sensitive.  I learned about that from Bill, husband #2. 

He was a construction inspector and carried a thermometer to check the temperature of cement before it was poured.  If it had started to heat up he would recommend the driver go buy several bags of ice and come back.

If they had poured it while it was heating (starting to set) it would have powdered off and been weak.  A big all day pour with several trucks lined up could become a problem.  Bill’s nickname was bulldog.  I thought he was more like a pussy cat.

I started the Zeloda tonight.  I’ve made appointments for blood work at the local doctor’s office.  Also trimmed the hair on Teddy’s feet so I could find his toenails and cut them.  He wasn’t happy about it.


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