A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rain – Paint – Rain – Paint

So far the painters worked Monday, power washing.  It rained Tuesday so they couldn’t work.  Wednesday they scraped and painted.  Now today, Thursday, it rained last night so the workers didn’t show up until 11:00.  Below  is a before and after of the porch ceiling.

2010-06 001 2010-06 004

The trim color is green and the main color will be a tan, about the color of coffee with 2 creams. 

You may notice that my front porch has two doors into the house.  The one on the left goes into the “front room” or parlor.  The one straight ahead goes into the living room.  This house was built about 1907 and is a common design for that time period. 

You could invite important guests into the parlor without going through any other room.  I use the former parlor as a bedroom now.  There is no closet so I have a cedar wardrobe.

I hadn’t thought about which color they would use on the porch ceiling but the green looks good.  I’m not very picky about details like that.  They have gotten a lot of the trim done in the one day they worked.  The heat index was 100 while they worked.  I felt sorry for them.  I hibernated in the A/C.

When I got up Tuesday morning the electricity was off.  Don’t know how long it had been off.  It was such a gloomy day that I was getting ready to fill an oil lamp with oil for some light when it came back on. 

I try to do a little cleaning every day.  It gives me a feeling of accomplishment and a little exercise.  I have noticed that the city water makes things, like the toilet,  dirtier faster than my well water did.   That doesn’t seem right. 

I’m going to have to ask the workers to move their truck so I can get my car out to go to the library.


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