A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Time to Fix Things

Silly was at the vet yesterday and is doing better.  While I was gone for a while on Tuesday she got a loaf of rye bread off the counter and all I found when I got home was the empty wrapper on the floor.  I can picture her having a wonderful time shaking the slices out and sharing them with Teddy.  Of course, Silly cannot understand how I know it was her, the long legged dog, who got something off the counter. 

Then there is me to be fixed.  This afternoon I am going to the GP doctor about the constant coughing and the low grade fever.  I think it started with pollen allergies but has progressed to something else.  If I take one kind of decongestant I don’t sleep, if I take another I can’t stay awake. 

There are more people coming to give estimates on the work I need done.  I hate making decisions.  Maybe I’ll just stick the estimates up on the wall and throw a dart. 

Someone on the radio said that Ohio’s state flower is the “orange barrel”.  Very funny. That is true for a lot of states.


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