A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Softball Parade

Sirens moving slowly at 10:30 a.m. on a Saturday means there is a parade

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The first truck was prepared for the drizzle with umbrellas.

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One very fit coach walked beside the pickup carrying his team.

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It’s always nice to advertise the business that is sponsoring the team and straw makes a nice seat.

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You don’t need a pickup or a trailer, an SUV works.

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No truck?  A cart makes a good vehicle to pull a trailer full of baseball players.

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A good old pickup works the best.

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You can always jazz it up with signs and balloons.  And of course there is candy thrown along the way.  The rain makes that nice in the lawn.  I stay on the porch but they still throw it. 

The whole thing took about 15 minutes to pass and is a nice touch in a small village.  But there was no band.  Next time I want a band.

Silly’s mouth has stopped bleeding and she seems to feel better.  The pain pills make her a bit dopey so I have tried breaking them in half.  The antibiotic pills are big and she cries if I try to open her mouth to give them to her.  So I wrap them in cheese or stuff them in a piece of cooked carrot.  I found one that she detected and rejected but I didn’t push it.  Two large pills morning and night is a bit much but she a big dog, weighs about 60 lbs.

This afternoon I attended a birthday celebration for a dear friend of mine.  She wore a tiara and was serenaded with a trumpet solo.  The celebration was at the Butter Street Barn which even had some customers today.  I helped wrap a set of chess pieces for a customer. 

The drizzle has turned to a light rain.  Hope the major storm misses us.  It may stay south of us.  Don’t need any tornadoes here.


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