A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Third Chemo and Sidewalk Repair

Sorry I’ve been lazy lately.  Today was the third round of chemo, now I get a week off.  Monday night is trash night and I didn’t even put anything out to the street.

One person just doesn’t make that much trash, it will wait for a week.

I’ve been trying to eat right and get a little exercise.  Friday I visited my friends at the Butter St. Barn.  I really enjoy seeing them.  I get hugs and jokes.

I have sent all my papers in and am now a card carrying body donor.  I had the oncologist office make a copy of the card today. 

I also stopped at the health food store on the way home and bought the ice cream substitute I like.  It was on sale so I got a lot.  Since it is frozen I had to come straight home and get it into my new refrigerator.

The sound of jack hammers woke me this morning.  Some of the sections of sidewalk were not level with the sections next to them so they were being replaced.

It just turned out that the sections being removed were on each side of my driveway.   I got out just fine for my 10:30 appt.

I need to get  a picture of the big arrow that appears to direct people right into my driveway.  It actually is telling people to get over in the middle lane if they want to turn left at the light.


Rascal has continued to try to get me to chase her out in the yard by standing just out of reach when I want her to come in.

She doesn’t like rain so one day last week I actually spit on her to try to make her think it was raining.  It didn’t work so I gave up on it.

When I confessed my spitting offence to my friends they laughed a lot and then one of them came up with a spray bottle.  I have used it three times and the third time it worked! 

Either she thought it was rain or she figured out she would get squirted if she didn’t come in when I called her.

Whatever works – I don’t chase dogs outside.  I do occasionally pretend to chase her around the table just to play with her a bit.

Teddy’s idea of play is standing on his back legs and waving his front feet in the air.  I move my feet up and down and wave my hands in the air and we call it dancing.

Of course belly rubs are all dogs favorite things.  They get that in the evening when I check for ticks.  I’ve found two dead ones so far, the tick meds are working.


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