A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Energy Day and TV

Never know which day I’ll have energy so when it strikes I jump on it.

I was moving things around in the car when the dogs got out of the house and jumped in the car. 

All I had to do was get gas ($3.95), go to the post office, and go to the drivethru at the bank.  So the dogs went along and got doggie treats at the bank. 

They really are good in the car but it’s too hot to leave them there for very long.

Pam, the doctor’s nurse, called yesterday to tell me that my blood marker has gone down from 691 to 640.  Still going the right direction.

The ragweed is out as well as the mosquitoes.  I’m about ready to let the tomato plants go.  I had enough tomatoes for me.  If I eat too many I get cankor sores in the corners of my mouth. 

It seems morning is the time for the dogs to play on the bed.  Teddy pounces around to shake the bed.  If that doesn’t get me wide awake he licks my face.  Rascal is getting into the game by following him around – possibly trying to defend me.  It isn’t a bad way to wake up.

I’ve been enjoying watching the GOP convention.  Last night I actually stood up and applauded the Gov. of New Mexico.  She was great.

I’m looking forward to getting my absentee ballot in a week or so.  They said they would be mailing them after Labor Day.

I remember watching the convention that nominated Dwight D. Eisenhower – on a black and white TV with snow and poor reception. 

We could only get one channel, NBC.  It came from W.Va.  Someone would climb a ladder to the roof so they could turn the antenna, someone else would sit in the open window to pass along the info from the person watching the TV. 

By the time the information got to the person on the roof it was usually too late.

When Elvis was on they blocked out the bottom half of the screen so his wiggling hips didn’t show.

A test pattern came on at midnight.  I don’t remember when they came back on in the morning. 

We watched wrestling on Sat. night – that’s what was on.  Our neighbors used to join us.  Sometimes the wrestlers would get a hold and keep it for twenty minutes.  It was kind of like watching grass grow.

I was lucky to have younger sisters so it was okay to watch kid shows like Howdy Doody.  I got a puppet of him for Christmas one year.  I put on shows for my sisters.

AAAHHHH the good old days.  No thanks, I like my color cable TV and my remote control.




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