A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


The Morning Glories have finally made an appearance, actually just two blooms; one pink and one blue. 



In front of the house the hostas are blooming and the grass is starting to show up through the straw.  I’m not sure when we should start mowing it.  The straw will fly when we do.

Looking at this picture I noticed the vines trying to climb up the siding.  That has to go.



The picture above shows my house on the far left, my driveway to the right of the house, the arrow on the street pointing into my driveway. 

On the far right you can barely see the stop lights.  A right turn takes you to the schools (K – 12) all lined up, and the city building.  A left turn goes into a residential neighborhood, or my driveway. 


Teddy and Rascal supervised the picture taking and a bit of weed trimming.  Hope my burst of energy lasts for a while.


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