A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Solving Problems

Okay, I can be creative.  If I lay out the two pieces of plastic wrap before I grease my feet it is easier to wrap them.  A little easier.

The Bandit problem is being worked on.  The rescue people have suggested a dog belly band to help stop the peeing inside.  They have offered to send me one and I have ordered a couple on ebay. 

They wrap around his belly and, hopefully, remind him to wait to go outside to pee.  Some of them are just plain diapers, some come with a way to add throwaway padding.  It’s worth a try.

Watering eyes, running nose, and an occasional coughing fit are all that’s left of my cold.  I think a big part of the problem is allergy to ragweed.  When we have a hard freeze it will improve.  We have had several light frosts so far.

I have been 6itchy today- this week.  I am having negative thinking – wonder why?  Whenever I have a cold it seems like it will be around forever.  My eyes water so much I have to keep wiping them to read.  My nose drips unexpectedly into the dogs water so I go back to the faucet for fresh water. 

I’m taking meds that make me miserable so I can stay around a little longer in this world and take more meds that make me more miserable.   There – I said it. 

I’ll be more cheerful ….


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