A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Groceries and Doctor Appointment

This could be every dog I’ve ever had.


At the grocery if there is a cart that goes thump thump thump or pulls to one side or the other – I get it.  The store puts bumpy tile in the area where the carts are kept so you can’t identify those carts before you pick one.

So I thumped around the grocery store turning left only with great determination.

I had planned an early trip yesterday but my eyes weren’t cooperating.  Everything was fuzzy until late in the day.  Probably all the pollen in the air.  So the place was packed by the time I got there.

I got the last available handicapped parking space.  I did find everything I wanted.  I got doggie pee pads and spread them out in the mud room.  This morning there was a puddle on one!  YEAH!  Bandit cooperated.

He just has an old dog’s problem.  His annual check-up is coming up soon and I will need help getting him into the vet’s office. 

My nose doesn’t need to be broken again.  It looks okay from the outside but the septum is deviated.  One nostril is almost blocked.  Okay, I know, I should have gone to a doctor right away. 

Have a doctor’s appt. this morning. 

3:30 After Dr. appointment

My blood cancer marker was 91 – down from 171 last time.  This is good news.  I got Zometa, a bone strengthener.  I get it every two months now.

The doctor looked at the bottoms of my feet and the palms of my hands.  The feet are blistering and peeling.  The point of all the Udder Cream is to keep the feet and hands soft so when they peel the skin doesn’t tear and make a bloody sore.

Do you know how hard it is to NOT pull off dead skin?  I asked for patience once, I guess I’ve got it now.  If I wait there is new skin under the peeling blisters.  It doesn’t make walking much fun but I can live with it.

It is a beautiful day today.  It’s supposed to be nice all week and turn chilly at the end of the week.  Maybe I will catch the computer guy and get my G and H put back on.



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