A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Monday, June 27, 2011

PET Scan & Birthday Pictures

The PET scan went as usual.  Their radio station had very bad reception.  I should have had them turn it off but didn’t want to interrupt things.

It took 2 hours, one of those hours was napping in a very comfortable lazy-boy style chair with a warmed blanket over me.  The scan itself takes about 30 minutes so the rest of the time was getting signed in, etc.

Of course, it was raining on the way there and the way back and it’s supposed to rain tonight.  Right now it is just cloudy.

I found poopy dog messes when I got home.  Luckily I had kept the dogs in the kitchen and mud room.  Don’t know what they ate yesterday but it sure upset their stomachs.

I’m going to try for another urine sample from Bandit tomorrow.  Wish me luck.

The pictures from Carson’s fourth birthday got forgotten on the camera till now. 

2011-06 001

2011-06 005

Carson is thrilled with his blue drink.

2011-06 002

Jaren, not thrilled so much.

2011-06 006

Four year old muscles.

2011-06 009

2011-06 010

Lilies blooming in my yard.  The orange kind are seen along many country roads.  I always think there must have been a house there at one time or another.


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