A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Odd Jobs and a Great Visit

Using family to help get jobs done. 

One problem was a very easy fix but if you don’t know what that easy fix is it might as well be an impossibility.  The motion activated lights on the garage stopped working quite a while ago.  So did the lights inside the garage.  No one could figure out what was wrong.  I even got a new bulb but that didn’t work.

Then came Wonder Bob.  He flicked a couple of light switches just inside the garage door and - taa daa – the lights came on.

The remote control for the gas fireplace is now working.  Bob just had to read a lot of instructions.

The hand braided wool rug that his Mother made got mended also.   Some dog tried to rearrange it and some stitching came out.  Teddy helped with that job.  Bandit did too but he saw the camera and ran off.

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They visited the Veterans Museum in Germantown. 

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There’s a nice smile from Linda while she looks at some of the museum displays.

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Bob enjoyed the museum.

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We had a wonderful visit.  Linda and I even got into the geneology stuff and solved a few problems with my family tree maker program.  Our ancestors didn’t have much imagination when it came to names.  There are many John’s and William’s in each generation.  We decided to put their birth year in as a middle name to try to keep them straight. 

Linda went with me to my doctor appointments.  She liked my doctor but wondered when they started letting young girls be doctors.

Got a dose of chemo Monday.  I get a dose of steroids before the chemo so I was pretty energetic Monday and Tuesday.  Today I will probably crash.

It will be awfully quiet around here with the visitors gone.  They may stop by again next fall.


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