A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Los Indios, TX

If there was a way to teach Scooby to ride this thing I could take shorter walks. This is one of the 2 exercise bikes in the new rec building pictured below.

This is the old building that is right across the street from where I am parked. It has 3 washers and 3 dryers, plus clothes line, and a bathroom with shower. They say it will be torn down soon. This place is only open Oct. thru April. I'm beginning to understand why. It is 87 degrees outside. The local news has upped their prediction for tomorrow by 1 degree -- to 100. That is hibernation weather for me. I melt.

The WIFI doesn't work and they tell me that they expect a repairperson in a week or so. This is a very laid back park to say the least. The fishing is in the canals nearby. We walk by them when we take walks. There are too many dogs in the park that start barking at us when we walk by so we go out of the park. I was told a propane truck would be by today but haven't seen it.

I didn't post yesterday, didn't have much going on. This is actually very relaxing. I am doing a lot of reading and getting ready to make the trek north. A lot of the people who were here Monday when I came have already left. I guess it's about time.

Is the snow melted up north?

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