A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Naps and Dogs

Naps have become a competition between dogs.  When I lay lengthwise on the couch there is only room for one dog to be by my head and that spot, by tradition, belongs to Teddy. The only other option is by my feet.

I am trying to create an opportunity for equality between the two dogs.  I fixed a spot in the middle of the couch where I can be comfortable and have a side for each dog.


The white cushion goes behind my back, the lawn chair, when turned around, makes a foot rest, and the blue circle makes a good headrest.

The decorating scheme in my house is “whatever works” or “thrift store” or “scratch and dent”.

Teddy is usually the one who decides it is time to wake up and he is usually right. The other day Rascal decided he was wrong so she climbed into my lap and barked at him.  Then she noticed from that vantage point she could see the tops of semi trucks go by.  So she began barking at them.  That really helped with my continuing to nap.

I enjoy a nap just about every day.  Between plenty of rest and my pain meds I am doing well, even have some fuzz growing on my head.

All my plants either got inside or adopted by Lory and John.  It’s a bit early for the frost in this area but nothing has been normal this year. The last mosquito in the state, county, village got into MY house and bit me.  Sure hope he really was the last one.  Once this past summer I found a bite right on a vein.  I would have liked to see him explode.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thx for your post, I really enjoy your blog. Long time lurker, first time commenter, you know the drill. I tried to share this one time before, I don’t think it posted correctly…hopefully it will this time!