A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Figuring Out New Computer

OK I got Windows Live Writer downloaded and I am using it to write this.  I can only figure out so much per day.

I also got some of the software that I need to download books from the library.  Carbonite keeps your DATA not your programs.  So if you have added any program to your computer it will not be added to your new one.  Plus the next time you download the program it is probably a later version that you have to figure out. Plus it isn’t always easy to get the data that goes with that program to connect with it.

I haven’t yet figured out how to turn off the mouse pad and now and then my thumbs drag across it – moving the cursor way off somewhere.  They assured me it could be turned off.

Even though I have most recent evidence that I have a brain I’m not sure it is still true.  My brain wants a very comfortable spot to rest, put up it’s feet and take a nap.

Tomorrow the dogs go to the groomer.  I spent some time explaining that Rascal is really not a biter, just a snarling grumpy dog. 

I stopped at the post office today and received my absentee ballot.  I have voted and sealed it all up and it is ready to send back.  YEAH!  I also watched the debate and look forward to watching the rest of them.  I guess maybe I’m a political junky. It’s a great spectator sport but a bit too serious this election.

Gonna upload this now – hope it works.


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