A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Crazy Blogspot

If you have looked at this blog in the last couple of days you may have been confused.  I tried to add a link to another blog and the thing went nuts.

My granddaughter, Andrea, suggested I ask her Aunt Linda and Uncle Bob to fix it – so I did, and they did.

If something isn’t broken why do they keep trying to fix it.  Change for the sake of change is stupid.  Some new employee trying to show they are important, is my guess.

So many many thanks to Linda and Bob for fixing my blog back to normal and adding the blog “Traveling with Whippets” to the blogs I read and enjoy.

I had to give Rascal the heimlich maneuver today.  It was mostly my own fault.  I bought a fruit plate at the grocery store and I can’t chew pineapple so I gave each dog a piece. 

Rascal choked on it.  Of course she gobbles down anything I give her so it is her fault, too.  Two jerks on her belly just behind her ribs did it (and lifted her off the floor).  Then she growled at me so I figured her throat was clear.

We’ve had thunder storms and rain already this week.  It is too late for most of the crops.  One of my tomatoes is starting to turn red.  I know, it’s late.  There is supposed to be more rain later this week.  The morning glories aren’t even doing well this year.

Teddy isn’t bothered much by the thunder anymore.  Rascal is.  Since it was bedtime anyway I put a blanket over her and that seemed to help.

I have more energy with the new pain pills.  So much energy that I wore a couple of blisters on my big toe.  Since my foot is numb I had to find them in the shower.  I’ll have to inspect my feet better from now on.  A bandaid and some antibiotic cream are the answer to blisters.

I thought the street in front of my house was about done except for painting lines, sidewalks, and landscaping.  But then I saw some paint lines on the new pavement.  Pave it – then dig it up.  That’s how we do things around here.


There is NO such thing as federal money.  There is only money that taxpayers pay.  The taxpayers built the roads and bridges by paying their taxes and voting for people who approved the use of their taxes to build what was needed. 

If a bunch of crooks are in that chain between taxpayers and getting something built or done there is a big problem. 

That is what has happened to this country.  Some of those crooks we didn’t even get to vote for. 

We just need to  emphasize that there is no federal money until our leaders understand and believe it.

I wish I knew how to do that.  If anyone has an idea, let me know.




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