A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lilies and Donating to Medical School

We have been having August weather for so long that some of the August Lilies are blooming.  I plan to dig up the bulbs after they bloom so I cut off the blooms.  That should make the bulbs bigger and healthier.

I never realized that they would last so long inside and the buds would open.


I tried some different “modes” on my camera and got a good picture of them.  Now if I can remember which mode I used.

Friday I went to see my General Practitioner and found out I have a urinary tract infection as well as a yeast infection.  Never had either one before so I have decided to blame chemo.

The antibiotic is working as I woke up at 4:00 a.m. in a big sweat.  That is good to know.

I took a nap this afternoon with both dogs laying tail to tail beside me at the top of the couch.  Before this Rascal would lay at the foot of the couch until Teddy got down,  then take his place and growl at him.  The dominance challenge continues.

Teddy keeps asking to go out as he knows Rascal will stay outside longer than he does and he will have the house to himself for a while.

The street is slowly getting done.  They are letting us park on the street while they pour the sidewalks and aprons to the driveways. 

I just left the keys in the car for them Friday afternoon and let them move it out of their way whenever they needed to.  When they left it was back where I had left it, I locked it for overnight.

Saturday I went to the barn and visited their first ever outdoor market.  Dealers set up behind the barn to sell their items.  It was a great success.  They have already made plans for another one in October.  Shady spots were the most desirable.

I took care of some business this week that I’ve intended to take care of for a long time.  I called the Wright State University about donating my body to their medical school.  They are sending me a packet of information. 

Some questions they answered over the phone.  There is no charge.  They may take a couple of years to return the ashes to the family.  They pay for all that. 

I asked if they should be called first when I die and he said “no, call the doctor first”.  I got a chuckle out of that.  You have to have the paper work for everything in life – and death.

Oncologist and chemo tomorrow.  I have enjoyed my week off.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Crazy Blogspot

If you have looked at this blog in the last couple of days you may have been confused.  I tried to add a link to another blog and the thing went nuts.

My granddaughter, Andrea, suggested I ask her Aunt Linda and Uncle Bob to fix it – so I did, and they did.

If something isn’t broken why do they keep trying to fix it.  Change for the sake of change is stupid.  Some new employee trying to show they are important, is my guess.

So many many thanks to Linda and Bob for fixing my blog back to normal and adding the blog “Traveling with Whippets” to the blogs I read and enjoy.

I had to give Rascal the heimlich maneuver today.  It was mostly my own fault.  I bought a fruit plate at the grocery store and I can’t chew pineapple so I gave each dog a piece. 

Rascal choked on it.  Of course she gobbles down anything I give her so it is her fault, too.  Two jerks on her belly just behind her ribs did it (and lifted her off the floor).  Then she growled at me so I figured her throat was clear.

We’ve had thunder storms and rain already this week.  It is too late for most of the crops.  One of my tomatoes is starting to turn red.  I know, it’s late.  There is supposed to be more rain later this week.  The morning glories aren’t even doing well this year.

Teddy isn’t bothered much by the thunder anymore.  Rascal is.  Since it was bedtime anyway I put a blanket over her and that seemed to help.

I have more energy with the new pain pills.  So much energy that I wore a couple of blisters on my big toe.  Since my foot is numb I had to find them in the shower.  I’ll have to inspect my feet better from now on.  A bandaid and some antibiotic cream are the answer to blisters.

I thought the street in front of my house was about done except for painting lines, sidewalks, and landscaping.  But then I saw some paint lines on the new pavement.  Pave it – then dig it up.  That’s how we do things around here.


There is NO such thing as federal money.  There is only money that taxpayers pay.  The taxpayers built the roads and bridges by paying their taxes and voting for people who approved the use of their taxes to build what was needed. 

If a bunch of crooks are in that chain between taxpayers and getting something built or done there is a big problem. 

That is what has happened to this country.  Some of those crooks we didn’t even get to vote for. 

We just need to  emphasize that there is no federal money until our leaders understand and believe it.

I wish I knew how to do that.  If anyone has an idea, let me know.




Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dog Groomer and Driveway Progress

I am feeling extra tired this week, sure glad all they are doing next week is drawing blood.

The dogs headed to the groomer today.  This morning there were stacks of the wood frames at the end of my driveway, like in the picture.  The stacks were two deep then.  They got some paving done but there is another layer to come. 

But I WAS able to get in and out.  HOORAY.  While I was out I went to Walmart for groceries and odds and ends.


The picture is the way it is left for tonight.

We did get a bit of rain today and may get more tonight. 

This is Rascal after her grooming.  The groomer is sure she is a Cairn Terrior.   They are known for being extra active – if I go by that then for sure she is a Cairn.  If you click on the picture you can see her face better.


The dogs were happy to see me come to pick them up.  I took a picture of Teddy but it came out blurred.

This last picture is of a sign I have on the front porch, just for a chuckle.



Monday, July 16, 2012

Chemo and Driveway

When you go to an oncologist office you find a lot of things like wheel chairs and walkers and benches for resting half way down the hall.  You do not expect to see a bicycle. 

Then I thought about the employees, oh well, why not.


Last week I talked to the construction people about needing to get out of my drive on Monday morning.  He assured me they would have it ready by 7:30 a.m.  I didn’t correct him by telling him I needed to leave at 9:15.

That is something I have learned about men, having worked with/for many men and been married to two of them.  Never tell them the truth about when something has to get done. 

It was 8:30 before I started talking to the two workers who were getting started at this end of the construction.

The first picture is my neighbor’s driveway with an orange cone still in front of it this evening.  That is almost as bad as my driveway was this morning.


The picture above was taken this evening after I drove in.  My morning tracks are not showing.  This morning they started madly filling in on both sides of the curb.  I got the back wheels over the concrete then they started to spin.  They waved me on and I revved it and was able to get  out, at 9:00. 

I was a bit early for my appointment but that was okay, better than being late.

They obviously made major improvements while I was gone. 

I searched on the internet and chose a new home phone provider.  They are listed as ITP.  There is no contract so if I don’t like it I can find one I like better.  This one is $20/month as compared to $35.

We’ll see how this works.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Rambling Rage

I just got off an online chat with Time Warner Cable Co.  I have my cable TV, internet, and phone with them. 

They tell me I have a two year contract with them.  That contract was up 6/9/11 and was automatically renewed.  This month the bill jumped up by $10.42. 

I tried to figure out what part of that bill was for my phone.  I haven’t been too happy when the wind blows and I lose everything.  Even my emergency button. 

It took a while to find out I was paying $35.82/month for the phone.    BUT to change any of my services I will owe them $150.00 (for breaking their contract). 

As far as I’m concerned they broke any contract when they raised my bill.  They didn’t agree. 

I told them my new home phone service company would let them know when I picked one and they would never get the $150 for breaking a contract.

I have heard Time Warner called Crime Warner and I now know what they mean by that. 

So I’m shopping for a new home phone service. 

While I’m at it – the weather man has been backing off his prediction of a wonderful three day soaking rain. 

We haven’t had a drop.  It was coming from the south and it didn’t even get to Cincinnati.  It turned east and then just broke up.

And now they say the heat wave is coming back.

And it is Friday the 13th.

On the other hand – today Rascal got on the sofa and laid down beside Teddy, much to his dismay.  Of course, I didn’t have the camera handy. 

The other day they came running to the kitchen asking to go out – together – and ran off into the yard side by side.  That Rascally girl will get him yet.



Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Curbs and Chemo

No pictures today. 

Monday went smoothly.  Rascal got her teeth cleaned and the bill was about half what had been predicted.  They didn’t have to pull any teeth.  She was a bit goofy with the anesthesia aftereffects.  She stumbled a few times. 

She is very vocal.  If she has a toy in her mouth she snarls if you touch her.  I still pet her in spite of the snarls.  It is a game.  Belly rubs get a whole other sound of contentment. 

I saw my regular doctor and she explained how this chemo would be three weeks of chemo, then a week off.  As usual it will be three months between PET  scans.  

There are a lot fewer side affects with this chemo. 

I am enjoying the 12 hour pain pills. 

They are pouring the curbs tomorrow and I won’t be able to get my car out of the driveway until next Monday.  The construction boss suggested that I could park my car over at the pizza place.  I could probably walk that far if I had to but it is iffy. 

I have an appointment on Monday for chemo so he said they would put a plate down for me to drive over Monday morning early.  I’m sure this will happen again with the sidewalks, etc.

If I need anything during that time my neighbors have offered to get it for me.  I’ve got good neighbors. 

We are supposed to get a good soaking rain this week-end.  I’ll believe it when I see it.



Sunday, July 8, 2012

Celebrating Andrea and Chris’s Marriage

The hottest day of the year, so far.  103 in the afternoon.  It was still 101 at 5:00 pm.  Broke a 35 year record.

So we planned an outdoor party.  Almost everyone rebelled and stayed inside.

The bride and her Mother.  The bride and groom.


The picture takers.


The whole gang: Jake, Lory, Susan, Tim, Will, Andrea, Charlotte, Jaryen, me, Carson, and Chris.


Me getting daughter kisses.


Tomorrow will be a busy day.  Rascal gets dropped off at 8:00 to get her teeth cleaned.  I have an 8:45 appointment with my usual oncologist.  Then I get chemo again. 

The temperatures are supposed to be better this week.  We really need rain.  We will probably get hail and wind.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

New Chemo

So far so good with this new chemo.  I had a little trouble getting to sleep last night.  There may have been some steroids in the pre-chemo bag of fluid.  I get that first, then a ten minute wait, then a 1/2 hour of chemo. 

Of course, before any of that I get a blood test to make sure my blood is strong enough to take it.  Depending on how busy the lab is that can be very fast.

The nights sleep was disturbed by a handle in the bathtub that is held on by large suction cups.  It fell down making a very large clatter of noise. 

That got the dogs barking and it got me putting on my glasses and getting a 32 caliber revolver out of the bedside table drawer.  The first things we checked (the dogs and me) was the front door, then the upstairs door, then the windows and the back door.  All the way I was checking things up high that might have fallen, like pictures, etc.

Everything looked okay so I decided to use the bathroom, since I was up.  There was the evidence.  

I tried to show the dogs but they would not be satisfied.  I think Rascal spent most of the night watching the door.  Teddy spent the night on the couch.  He wouldn’t come into the bedroom this morning until he was invited. Dogs????

We all spent most of the morning, after breakfast, sleeping on the couch. 

Since I have stopped showing any sympathy to either of them over their fusses, they have started to play a tiny bit.  The play involves dominance but that’s what most dog play is about.

I feel fine today, just a little pepped up but tired – which makes no sense.

Life doesn’t have to make sense.


Monday, July 2, 2012

Storm, Construction, and Chemo

I didn’t notice this bit of storm damage until yesterday. A section of the neighbor’s fence fell down crushing some of my lilies.  It looks like a small effort has been made to cut down plants on their side. 

The house on that side is a very big,  broken up into apartments.  I may have to call the owner.


My house with the front yard all torn up, a hole with yellow tape around it and a pile of dirt.


Looking down into the hole.  Maybe I’ll get a drain so I don’t get so much water in my cellar.


I called the oncologist’s office this morning and told them my decision to try the new chemo.  They called back this afternoon and told me to come in at 10:00 tomorrow. 

The next picture is Rascal with a small rubbery toy in her mouth, when she bites down on it it lights up.  Very funny – looks like she has lots of teeth.


Teddy, all black, hard to get a good picture.  Plus I always forget to change the camera settings for close-ups.  It is hard enough to catch them standing still.


Often I hear dog activity in the next room, then Rascal barks or growls, (she barks and growls a lot) then Teddy comes running to me.  Now that I have the pattern figured out I have stopped comforting Teddy.  They need to settle things themselves.
