A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I just don’t get it.

How can I lose things that I just had right here where I am sitting?  It isn’t easy but I can do it.

I can’t find my camera.  I thought it was in my purse but it’s not.  Did I put it in it’s little case?  I don’t remember.

This is the week off chemo so I am trying to get things done.  HAH.  Not happening.

Today I did laundry, two loads.  That doesn’t mean that clean clothes are put away yet.  That may happen yet today – or not.

My birthday is coming up and people are being extra nice to me.  I’m not into celebrations.  When Susan asked what I wanted I named off several odd jobs around here that need doing. 

Like cleaning under the refrigerator to see if dust and dog hair under there is stopping the freezer from being cold enough.  Is ten years the life of refrigerators now?

My nose runs whenever I bend down the least little bit.  There are a couple of packages that need to be mailed.  I don’t want to send nose drips with the packages so I need help with those. 

The batteries have run down in the remote receiver for my gas fireplace and I can’t seem to replace them.  Can’t even get the cover off where the batteries are. 

Maybe it’s my semi-numb fingers or poor eyesight or poor light.  Things need done and it’s very frustrating not to be able to do them.  I lose patience very fast on things like that.

The weather hasn’t been bad, a skiff of snow melted before noon the next day.  When the sun shines I stick my head out the door to get a bit of it even though the instructions on the chemo say to avoid sunlight.

So when I find my camera I will put a picture on here.  Sometimes things just turn up on their own.  Maybe there is a ghost here.  That’s one problem with living alone, you can’t blame anyone else for misplaced items.



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