A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Usual Stuff

Nothing much happening around here lately.   Just the usual stuff – like Bandit in the bathtub because there was a dark cloud overhead and some rain fell.

It had just started when I was feeding the dogs.  Bandit left half his food and started the pacing back and forth that he does just before he gets in the bathtub. 

Since Teddy was done eating his food he thought he would help Bandit finish his.  When Bandit saw this he decided to reclaim his food bowl. 

Teddy produced a sound that was very much like a large cat purring – that’s his growl.  I had to put food bowls up on the counter to prevent a dog fight – or at least more purring growling.

Only my apple fritters can get Bandit up onto the counter. 

My lockbox for the door key arrived.  I had to read the instructions to figure out how to set the three letter code.  I think I got a very good deal when I bid on it on ebay.  I paid just under $14.00 including shipping.  It is new, made in Taiwan.   It is now hanging on the front door knob. 

That is much better than picking various places to hide it outside.  In winter it is pretty obvious where your tracks go when there is snow on the ground.

Actually a little snow sounds okay right now, it has been so hot.  I know I’ll wish for some of this heat next winter.  Some people are never satisfied.



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