Nothing much happening. Just doing a little shopping for food and paper towels and laundry detergent etc. I even found a bar of Lava soap!
Years ago when I was going to business school in Columbus, OH, I worked part time for a music store.
They repaired musical instruments and sold music scores. Their main customers were schools all over Ohio. They got dirty and messed up the bathroom sink with slimy soap.
I hate to admit that one of my jobs was to clean that bathroom. So when we needed more hand soap I bought them a bar of Lava and cleaned the sink.
They were very impressed with the new bar of soap and how it didn’t leave soap scum on the sink. I told them it was hand soap and showed them the wrapper. Farm girls do know a few things that city folks don’t need to know.
I got paid $1.00/hour for that job. That was the minimum wage then.
I lived in an old house with thirty girls. There was a kitchen in the basement. There were several refrigerators and we were designated a quarter of a shelf to keep our food.
A lot of blind dates were arranged. I accepted a blind date to the school’s halloween party. It was with an Airforce man. There is something about a man in a uniform.
Our dates consisted of a coke with two straws sitting in Isaly's playing chess. Six months later we were married. It lasted 23 years and three kids.
Gosh that was a long time ago.
Enough ramble.