A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Talking Dog

Okay so it’s only “unh huh” but it is definitely talking. 

He does this at bedtime while I try to read a chapter in my library book.  He is trying to get my attention.  He has tried putting his foot on the book, lay on the book, and chew on the book. 

When none of those work he gazes intensely at me and grunts his little “unh huh” over and over.  So I have started doing it back to him and that seems to satisfy his needs.

Maybe we’ll go for “hi” next.  Some dogs on youtube actually seem to be saying “I love you” and “hello”.  I think Teddy and I should keep it simple. 

The only dog I ever had that would howl was a Siberian Husky.  We were looking for the perfect dog.  I got a book from the library about different breeds.  I found that the Siberian Husky cannot bark.  WOW  That’s the breed for me.

I called around and found one in a nearby town.  She was discounted as she was 4 months old and had been sickly.  She was all better and ready to go.  I bought her.

That first night I shut her in the kitchen so any messes would be contained.  Everyone went to bed.  It wasn’t 10 minutes before the howling started.  One boy in the neighborhood described it as “Rah Ree Roo”.  I laughed until I cried.  No barking, just howling, and howling, and howling.

Camping with her was a real treat.  If there was a moon out she couldn’t contain herself.  We worried about disturbing the other campers until one time a neighbor camper came by and asked if he could record it.  He loved it. 

It came in handy once as retribution for keeping us up until the wee hours of the morning.  Some teenagers nearby were having a party – all night, with loud music and yelling, screaming, and laughing .

We were traveling and had to get up early the next morning to hit the road.  So EARLY the next morning I got her howling.  It took quite a while but finally there was life from the teenagers camp.  They were bleary eyed and rumpled – but they were up.  I called a cheerful good morning to them. 

How did I get her howling?  Simple, just stand in front of her and “direct” the orchestra.  Maybe add a little howl of my own to get things started.

When we left we stopped by the office and told the ranger about the problem and our solution.  He laughed and said he would call their Mamas to come get them.  Apparently it was supposed to be a bunch of girls but there were boys there at the party.

That was in 1975, I’m sure because we took that trip across Canada that year as we wanted to stay home in 1976 to celebrate the bicentennial locally.  (Sorry – a bit of a ramble there.)

Shopping for a few essentials today.  The weather has been way too nice lately.  The snow is almost gone. 


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