A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Weather Report

A prediction of snow in southeastern Ohio is a prediction of "white death". People run to stores and buy shovels, salt, windshield scrappers and extra food for preparation.

The weather report said snow with little or no accumulation. As you can see we didn't get the "no" part of that prediction. The picture above is the stump of the box elder that fell on the house when Ike visited. Since it is right up against a fence I had them leave a nice tall stump. Maybe I'll hang a birdhouse on it.

I have been driving Lory, my daughter, to and from work lately and had to use my 4 wheel drive this morning as the roads hadn't been salted yet. We still slithered around a little bit even with 4 wheel drive turned on.

After she got off work we went car shopping and she dealt for a vehicle of her own. We will probably pick it up Monday so it looks like I will lose my taxi job soon.

This picture is what I had the tree people leave of the maple that lost 4 large branches during our big wind. It has been called "touchdown" tree. Others have suggested it would make a really big sling shot. All creative suggestions are encouraged. I think I will have a lot more sun in my back yard next summer. Maybe I'll even grow some grass.

The little black dog I got in Texas last spring has ended up with Teddy Bear for a name. Being a Texas dog he hadn't seen snow before.

He tried stretching in it while looking at me accusingly. What in the world did I put on the ground in his backyard.

He tasted it and decided he'd rather have breakfast - inside the house. He has been in the doghouse lately as he ate a library book the other day. He is challanging for leader of the pack and has to be given a setback now and then.

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